Perfect Pair
Hi, have a great Sunday everyone, last night I can't sleep... So I decided to do a research for my new layout and change my logo at the same time... It was already 1am when I fell asleep... And when I woke up this morning, I came up with a nail art design that will blend with my new theme, it's green and blue with a touch of brown and flower, here's the "Perfect Pair" NOTD that I made. I divided the two colors, green and blue posh nail polish, I chose m63 konad image plate because it looks like a tribal design similar to my background, and I added flower rhinestones on it....Hope you like it!!

Illamasqua Ruthless
I had this polish to try from my friend Day. First I thought I wouldn´t like it but when I started applying it I fell in love. This polish applies like a dream and looks so sexy! It is a medium red creme which really shines. I am sure that this color is very popular.
Tenhle lak jsem měla na zkoušku od Day. V lahvičce moc nezaujal, myslela jsem si, že mi nebude slušet. Jakmile jsem ale začala lakovat, zamilovala jsem se. Nanášení jedna báseň a ta barvička! Krásná sexy středně červená krémovka. Tenhle odstín je určitě hodně populární.
I got this idea from Young Nails again! They are amazing! I am soooo glad I attended the Young Nails class I just wish they had one every week. These acrylic colors are from the Young Nails neon collection and I used polish to paint the tiger stripes!

I stole this idea from a very talented girl I met at a Young Nails art class. Thank you for the inspiration Krizia! I love your ideas!

This is 3d nail art that I created with acrylic. I put the 3d art right on the nail and then covered it with clear acrylic. The nail is smooth to the touch but you can still get the 3d effect. I have to admit I was proud of myself for doing these.

This is snakeskin print done on bright summer colors. I looooovvveee the snakeskin and this awesome client!

This is mirror confetti from Young Nails!

More sparkles nails!

This is some impression nail art. I love how vibrant these colors are!
I stole this idea from a very talented girl I met at a Young Nails art class. Thank you for the inspiration Krizia! I love your ideas!
This is 3d nail art that I created with acrylic. I put the 3d art right on the nail and then covered it with clear acrylic. The nail is smooth to the touch but you can still get the 3d effect. I have to admit I was proud of myself for doing these.
This is snakeskin print done on bright summer colors. I looooovvveee the snakeskin and this awesome client!
This is mirror confetti from Young Nails!
More sparkles nails!
This is some impression nail art. I love how vibrant these colors are!
I got this idea from Young Nails again! They are amazing! I am soooo glad I attended the Young Nails class I just wish they had one every week. These acrylic colors are from the Young Nails neon collection and I used polish to paint the tiger stripes!

I stole this idea from a very talented girl I met at a Young Nails art class. Thank you for the inspiration Krizia! I love your ideas!

This is 3d nail art that I created with acrylic. I put the 3d art right on the nail and then covered it with clear acrylic. The nail is smooth to the touch but you can still get the 3d effect. I have to admit I was proud of myself for doing these.

This is snakeskin print done on bright summer colors. I looooovvveee the snakeskin and this awesome client!

This is mirror confetti from Young Nails!

More sparkles nails!

This is some impression nail art. I love how vibrant these colors are!
I stole this idea from a very talented girl I met at a Young Nails art class. Thank you for the inspiration Krizia! I love your ideas!
This is 3d nail art that I created with acrylic. I put the 3d art right on the nail and then covered it with clear acrylic. The nail is smooth to the touch but you can still get the 3d effect. I have to admit I was proud of myself for doing these.
This is snakeskin print done on bright summer colors. I looooovvveee the snakeskin and this awesome client!
This is mirror confetti from Young Nails!
More sparkles nails!
This is some impression nail art. I love how vibrant these colors are!
Fail :(

Chtěla jsme si udělat nehítky, které by ladily s mojí novou sukní. Výběr barviček a to, jak spolu vypadají se mo moc líbil, ale moje razítkování se tentokrát ůbec nepovedlo :(
Essie Sag Harbor
Hi all!
Is everyone enjoying their weekend? I know I am, so I have a relatively short post for you, though I have more than one picture to show this pretty :)

Essie Sag Harbor, three coats in daylight. Oh my! Sag Harbor is a grey polish with blue undertones and hidden shimmer. It looks a little more blue irl. It took me quite a while to get my hands on this pretty, but I finally managed to get it off eBay. Sag Harbor is a part of the Essie Nortfork Collection of fall 2009 and this was a Limited Edition. I'm still trying to get my hands on Greenport, no luck yet with this one.. Anyway, Sag Harbor is truly gorgeous. I love this polish and when I'm can, I will certainly buy myself a backup bottle. Application was a bit streaky with the first coat, but this evened out while I applied the second coat. I'm merely doing three coats because of habit, because I don't think she need three coats to gain opacity (two is fine). I love this polish so much that I couldn't bare to put Konad on her!
Thanks for stopping by!
Is everyone enjoying their weekend? I know I am, so I have a relatively short post for you, though I have more than one picture to show this pretty :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Hard To Find
China Glaze Light As Air with Konad
Just a quick post about my todays mani. I used plate M50. I am really starting to like it and it has become one of my favourites :) The black polish is Color Club Black again. What do you think?
Jen vám sem rychle hodím moje dnešní nehtíky. Opět jsme použila destičku M50, kterou jsem si moc oblíbila a zařadila ji mezi favority :) 4erný lak je opět Color Club Black. Tak co myslíte?
china glaze,
ManGlaze Week Day 5: Matte-Astrophe and other matte top coats
I am sure you are wondering what is the difference between Matte-Astrophe and other matte top coats. Well I have some pictures for you :) The polish that I am showing you this on is China Glaze Skate Night.
Určitě vás zajímá jaký je rozdíl mezi Matte-Astrophe a jinými zmatňujícími nadlaky. Dnes pro vás mám nějaké fotky, které snad pomůžou :) Pro ukázku jsem použila lak China Glaze Skate Night:
China Glaze Skate Night
left to right / zleva: Essie Matte About You, ManGlaze Matte-Astrophe, China Glaze Matte Magic, no top coat / bez nadlaku
china glaze,
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