China Glaze was kind enough to send me a little taste of their new spring collection. The colors I got look great! I really feel like spring has come when I look at the bottles. I will swatch these asap so stay tuned for the pictures and review :)
V China Glaze byli tak milí, že mi poslali malou ochutnávku jejich nové kolekce. Barvičky, které vybrali vypadají perfektně! Když tak koukám na lahvičky, mám pocit, že jaro je tu. Brzo je nafotím, tak se těšte na fotky a moje dojmy :)
Grape Pop (Bright plum)
Flyin´High (Teal)
Peachy Keen (Nectar)

* the product(s) in this post were sent to me by the manufacturer or their PR company.